St. Mary’s Catholic School
8th Grade Mathematics
Teacher: Mrs. Donna Burgess
Welcome Statement
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! I am very excited to begin this school year as a new teacher at St. Mary’s Catholic School. I am a retired Mathematics Teacher and Assistant Principal from the Public Education System. It is my goal to reach every student using various learning strategies to help them achieve academic success in Mathematics. Important school and class policies will be covered in this letter. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email at [email protected] or call St. Mary’s Catholic School’s office at 254-778-8141. I am looking forward to a successful school year with our students.
Year At A Glance
8th Grade Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)-Aligned Curriculum:
Teaching Resources:
The Maneuvering the Middle and/or Dimensions Math curriculum will be used to teach 8th grade mathematics.
Additional Resources
The following resources will be used as additional resources for instruction, assignments, activities and/or tests. This list is not exhaustive.
Grading Policy
Grading Scale:
Nine Weeks Average
Tests: 30%
Quizzes: 20%
Participation: 15%
Assignments: 35%
Behavioral Expectations
**Bullying or harassment of any kind, matter or means is taken very seriously and will not be tolerated by the teacher and St. Mary’s Catholic School.
Classroom Procedures
The CHAMPS classroom management model will be used to implement classroom procedures. CHAMPS classroom management is a model that aims to improve student behavior plus strengthen learner engagement through a strategic system of clearly defined expectations. The model frames procedures, routines, and rules in a way that is digestible for students, empowering them to make good behavioral choices.
Absent Work Policy
Absent students shall be responsible for making up class assignments, tests and quizzes. The timeline to submit absent work will be determined by the number of days a student was absent. I normally allow 2-5 days to make-up classwork and homework. Students absent the day before a quiz or test or not automatically excused from taking the quiz or test.
Late Work Policy
Your child will be held accountable for turning in each and every assignment he/she has been assigned on the following class day. He/she will lose 10 points the first class day that it is late. Then a 10 point penalty will be assessed each day up to 5 days. Work no matter how well done will receive a 50 on the 5th day.
Quiz and Test Corrections Policy
Test and quiz corrections will be done at the teacher’s discretion.
Homework Policy
Homework will be assigned at least 4 nights a week and will count as an assignment or participation grade. Students are expected to show their work or give an explanation to show understanding.
Students are encouraged to visit with me during the Academic Extension period for tutoring. Academic Extension is Monday through Thursday from 2:54 pm-3:20 pm and Friday from 2:44 pm-3:20 pm.
Supply List:
8th Grade
2 inch 3-ring binder, qty 2 (1 per semester)
6 Binder Dividers (3 per semester)
TI30-XIIS Scientific Calculator (access at home to DESMOS website for graphing)
3 boxes of tissues
2 packs copy paper
1 container cleaning wipes
2 pack expo dry erase markers (optional, but greatly appreciated!)
Please fill out this page, sign, and return to me no later than Monday, August 14th. Please keep the other page for your reference.
Student’s name: |
Parent/Guardian name(s): |
Best email for contact: |
Best phone number for contact: |
What is the best way to contact you? (email or phone?) |
Parent/guardian signature showing you have read this syllabus: |
If there is anything else you feel I should know about your student that will help me be the best teacher I can be for them, please feel free to tell me below.
Thank you,
Donna Burgess
Mathematics Teacher