St. Mary's has launched their new collaboration with the "School Store!" Below please find some more helpful information pertaining to it:
2. Lets see if 2nd grade can feed the hungry and help our community. Please consider bringing in some much needed food items.
Non perishable food items will be collected from Nov 1st - 20th. Students should feel free to bring them into school and they can turn them into me (Mrs. Ochoa) in the classroom. I will make sure all donated food items get to the donation locations.
3. Book Fair is coming - Nov 18-22. We will visit the book fair all together (Briefly) as a class 2 times during the week. However, the book fair will be open after dismissal each school day and you can visit with your child as well.
4. Nov 22nd will be our annual Thanksgiving luncheon. Please see the newsletter to reserve your tickets. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR.