The students of St. Mary's Catholic School, in Pre-K through 8th grade, began their journey of online learning on March 16th, creating a seamless transition from Spring Break, ending on the 13th, and school closure effective as of the 16th. All teachers had information and materials ready for parents to pick up on Monday, March 16th, beginning at 7 a.m. Teachers trained Monday and had distance learning up and running that day. Students lost no time in their learning. The transition has been smooth with students working diligently in their academic core classes. (ELA, Math, Science, Religion, History, and Spanish) and even electives such as Latin, P.E., Music, and Band.
After a month of online learning, parents have given St. Mary’s Catholic School an A+. These are just a few of the many compliments given:
“Thank you for all your work during this time! I appreciate you and the staff’s dedication to our children’s education.”
“St. Mary's is in the lead when it comes to technology and distance learning. The time it took to set up the online platform was amazing. I appreciate the efforts of all who made that happen so efficiently.”
“You all have been wonderful. The technical support is great.”
“Thank you for keeping the parents so well informed. We are so grateful for the kindness and patience as we, the parents, learn too.”
“The speed at which my children were fully engaged online was amazing. All one needs to do is look at our community and the length of time it took for other programs to switch to online schooling. I do not feel like my children have lost anything in the process except maybe social interaction.”
“Emails are responded to in a very quick manner and we even have access to office hours face to face with the teacher. I could not be happier with the School or the Diocese of Austin, Thank you.”
The success of St. Mary’s Catholic School with Online Learning is incredible. You can see it for yourself.
Click here to view how our teachers are making it easy for our students to continue learning.
Click here to view an insight into how students have set up their learning space at home.
The mission of St. Mary's Catholic School is the commitment to academic excellence and the spiritual development of our students toward a life of prayer, service, and love. For more information, please call (254) 778-8141 or visit our website