I am looking forward to a great school year. Your students will have the opportunity to learn and practice Spanish through a variety of educational activities. We will continue implementing in our class Descubre el Español new K-5 Spanish as a World Language Program. Students will be learning through the textbook and videos as well as using their workbooks to practice taught lessons.
Program components: Textbook, workbook, biblioteca temática, ebooks, videos, and reading resources for children.
Grading criteria: Kinder Key E = Always / Very Good G = Good/Sometimes P = Progressing / Satisfactory I = Improvement / Practice Needed
First to Fifth grade Classwork/activities: 30% Oral participation/conduct: 30% Tests/quizzes/projects: 40%
Grading Policy: A. 90-100 B. 80-89 C. 75-79 D. 70-74 F. 69 or less
Students need to follow classroom and school rules. Participation and classwork should be completed and turned in every class or the following class. Students will miss 10 points if they don't turn in assignments on time.
The evaluation is permanent, students will be given tests, quizzes, and pop quizzes every quarter. If a student scores less than 70 points on a test, quiz, or any other given assignment the student needs to discuss with the teacher, his/her options (extra credit work or corrections) to make up the failing score. The highest score is 70 for students that score less than 50, and it is 80 for students that score more than 50 on a test or quiz.
Absences/Make-Up Work If the student is absent for any reason and misses any scheduled test or quiz the parent should contact the teacher asking for a makeup. Goals
To live out our FAITH in daily life and grow in our relationship with JESUS.
To perform OUR BEST to successfully master material
To develop and maintain a RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR and ATTITUDE that reinforces natural reward and consequences
To learn and apply GOOD STUDY HABITS.
Classroom Rules
1. Show respect for yourself, for others, and the facilities and equipment 2. Act responsibly in everything you do. 3. Respectful attitude while praying. 4. Practice safety regarding yourself and others. Rules for solving conflicts
1. Identify the problem. 2. Listen to an open mind. 3. Attack the problem not the person. 4. Treat each person’s feelings with respect. 5. Take responsibility for your actions Expectations
Be ready to learn
Do your best
Work hard
Follow directions
Raise your hand
Be safe
Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
Take responsibility
Be respectful
Say please and thank you.
Discipline /Consequences
If a student doesn’t follow the Rules and Expectations of this classroom, disciplinary action will be taken according to the Parent-Student Handbook.
Thank you for the opportunity to work jointly to help your child to have a successful school year. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.